
7 Tips for Better Phone Photos

By Jess Ensley
February 22, 2019

Up your social media game with these simple tips for taking great photos with your phone.

  1. Get a Grip

Phone photos can easily get a little blurry, especially in low light (see step 2). For maximum stability without a tripod, hold your phone in both hands and brace your elbows against your ribs. For extra control, take photos using the volume buttons, allowing for a firmer grip on your phone.

  1. Shed Some Light

Good lighting is one of the best ways to achieve an amazing photo. Obviously, you can’t always control your lighting, but try to shoot in natural light when possible. A couple of hours after sunrise and before sunset are best for soft shadows and angles.

  1. Clean Up the Clutter

Your background matters just as much as your subject. There are few things worse than a beautifully composed image with car keys or a jacket strewn carelessly in the background.

  1. The Rule of Thirds

For a more compelling composition than a perfectly centered subject, try following the rule of thirds. To do this, imagine your photo is divided into thirds (see grid below), the key elements of the photo should lay on a line, or ideally where two intersect.

Phone hack: Turn the grid on in your phone’s settings, so you don’t have to visualize them. On an iPhone, go to the “Photos & Camera” section in your settings and turn on the “Grid.” On a Samsung Galaxy, go to your camera settings, scroll down and turn on “Grid Lines.”

  1. Less is More

    You know that saying, “before you leave the house, look in the mirror and take one accessory off?” The same goes for photos. Don’t get overly excited and try to cram too much into one photo. Negative space is a good thing.
  2. Avoid Zoom

When possible, avoid zoom. The more you zoom, the more pixelated your photo becomes, seriously decreasing the quality. If you can, move closer to your subject.

  1. #NoFilter

If you want to filter your personal photos, go for it. When it comes to photos being used for business, I’d advise against it. Tweaking the contrast, exposure, and saturation a little can go a long way.